Leech Information Blog — Leg ulcer
Leech Therapy in all its Versatility
Posted by Jelio Mir on

Therapy with the medicinal leech, Hirudo medicinalis, is an ancient, highly effective therapeutic method that has been tried and tested for centuries. In particular, joint diseases and complaints related to varicose veins can be treated effectively.After being placed on the skin, the leech secretes an abundance of active ingredients through the bite into the tissue. These have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, blood stimulating and immune stimulating effects and can therefore have a special effect on a multitude of complaints.Leeches are used for:rheumatismHerpes zoster (shingles)Varicosis (varicose veins)TinnitusThrombosisBoils and carbunclesSinus infectionsTesticular inflammationphlebitishypertensionOsteoarthritis (e.g. knee or thumb)arthritisLeg UlcerTendon / tendonitis (tennis, golf arm)apoplexyThrombophlebitis