Leech Information Blog
Medicinal Leech Therapy; An Overall Perspective
Posted by Veselinka Stefanova on

Alternative medicine methods have a long history, but modern medicine has just recently focused on their possible modes of action. Medicinal leech therapy (MLT) or hirudotherapy, an old technique, has been studied by many researchers for possible effects on various diseases such as inflammatory diseases, osteoarthritis, and after different surgeries. Hirudo medicinalis has widest therapeutic usage among the leeches, but worldwide, many different species were tested and studied. Leeches secrete more than 20 identified bioactive substances such as antistasin, eglins, guamerin, hirudin, saratin, bdellins, complement, and carboxypeptidase inhibitors. They have analgesic, anti-inflammatory, platelet inhibitory, anticoagulant, and thrombin regulatory functions, as well as extracellular...
How Leeches Can Save Lives And Limbs for Some Patients
Posted by Leeches.com on
Most people cringe at the mere mention of the word leeches. Even more would be alarmed at the thought of having them attached to their skin as part of their medical plan of care. And yet, in modern operating rooms across the country, that is exactly what is happening. "Despite all the technical advances in modern medicine, in certain post-surgical situations, we do still rely on one of nature’s most primitive organisms – the leech – to assist us in achieving a good outcome,” says Rod Rezaee, MD, UH otolaryngologist and head and neck surgeon. Leeches have been used medically for...
Posted by AppHQ Collaborator on

Its Origin, Concept and Technique Indian Origin Reflexology, which is also known by names like Zone Therapy, Shiatsu, Pointed Pressure Therapy, Contact Therapy, Concentrated Massage or Acupuncture without Needles, is probably the oldest system of natural treatment in the world, based on scientific technique of massage or pressure. How, when and where this system originated lacks consensus but on the basis of certain ancient documents, it is assumed that acupuncture and Reflexology, which work on a similar theory, were first conceived by Indian thinkers in primitive times. It was from here that the knowledge of these sciences disseminated to certain...
Therapeutic Massage Techniques
Posted by AppHQ Collaborator on

Learning OutcomesAfter completing this chapter, you will beable to:■ Identify conditions under whichmassage is and is not performed,known as indications andcontraindications.■ Identify areas of endangermentthat are beyond the scope of theentry-level massage therapist.■ Describe the basic anatomical anddirectional terms in order to beginwork on the body.■ Describe the basic Swedishmassage strokes that form thefoundation of therapeutic massage.■ Outline and begin to incorporateall six considerations of applicationinto the massage strokes.■ Understand and perform skeletalmuscle palpation to identifyspasms.■ Recognize the difference betweenmassage sequence and flow, andbegin to choreograph a massageroutine.■ Discuss and demonstrate properbody mechanics for massage andbodywork.■ Practice a full massage...
Atlas Of Acupuncture Points
Posted by AppHQ Collaborator on

Point Locations Table of Contents Page04 Lung Meridian06 Large Intestine Meridian08 Stomach Meridian13 Spleen Meridian15 Heart Meridian16 Small Intestine Meridian19 Bladder Meridian23 Kidney Meridian26 Pericardium Meridian27 Triple Warmer Meridian30 Gall Bladder Meridian33 Liver Meridian35 Conception Vessel37 Governing Vessel Meridian AbbreviationsThere have been many abbreviations used to identify the acupuncture meridians, most are listed below. The boldabbreviations are the ones used in this text.LU = Lung meridianLI, CO = Large Intestine meridianST = Stomach meridianSP = Spleen meridianHT, HE = Heart meridianSI = Small Intestine meridianBL, UB = Bladder meridianKI = Kidney meridianP, PC, HC = Pericardium, Heart Constrictor meridianTW, TH,...