Leech Therapy

Phlebotomy - Treatment of Men and Surgeons

Posted by Jelio Mir on

Phlebotomy - Treatment of Men and Surgeons

Blood cleansing has been used for millennia to help cure disease and restore health. In the 19th century, the method of removing blood from the body flourished.In the photo, two medieval doctors take blood from a woman, while a third squats on the right, holding a klizma. Blood thinning has been used since ancient times as a method of maintaining the balance of the four tumors. By the second millennium, belief in the four tumors had begun to decline, but phlebotomy has remained popular to this day. Because surgery is a harsh procedure, many people in the past have sought...

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Instructions for Using Medical Leeches

Posted by Jelio Mir on

Instructions for Using Medical Leeches

We, at Leech.com, have made educational videos for you on how to take care of leeches and how to carry out the treatment in your home. Watch a video that shows what to do with medical leeches when you receive them from the courier:    Transfer the leeches to a wide-necked jar and fill it halfway with water. Use river water, rain or tap. Use a piece of cloth and wrap the fabric with an elastic band around the neck of the jar. The fabric should have very small holes and should seal the jar tightly so that your leeches do not...

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