Among the many uses of leeches, among the most useful is to prepare compost tea for houseplants, flowers, garden trees, shrubs and bushes! Who would have thought that a simple collection of 20 jumbo leeches could make compost tea last a whole year without maintenance and 3-4 years with minimal maintenance. Who would have guessed that this collection of leeches would be enough to enrich your land indefinitely, without the additional expense of feeding or maintenance! Yes, true, leeches make nutrient-rich compost tea and all you have to do is collect it and use it.
General information about leeches:
Leeches are exotic pets with a unique behavior and lifestyle. The leech comes from the worm family, but lives in an aquatic environment. Living in water, leeches continue to excrete an endless amount of brownish-green organic excrement, which turns its water yellowish-green and rich in nutrients, trace elements and enzymes processed organically and digested organically. Using their water for your plants will have a tremendous impact on the health and vitality of your plants.
The leech is easily kept at home, and the water in which it lives must be replaced weekly. Leech water is simply collected and used as a protein-rich fertilizer, good for prolonging the life of plants.
Here's how it was done:
When the water with leeches changes color to yellow or green and becomes dirty, it's time to change the water in leeches and use compost tea with leeches to water your plants and trees! Leech water turns into perfect fertilizer, and the plants and flowers of your house will love you for it.
Leeches, which are blood-eating, have a special quality enzyme, which breaks down blood particles into extremely important and rich compounds to be used in the garden. Leeches use a powerful enzyme called Hirudin to digest ingested blood and to release a greenish-yellow, sometimes brown, excrement in fluid form. This liquid excrement is a combination of assimilated, processed blood and strong enzymes in the stomach of leeches. These rich in microelements help break down soil accumulation and provide very important minerals for the soil, which stimulate plant growth.
The flowers planted in the house with water from leeches, form a healthy and lush mass of leaves and a strong root system. Blood is a known fertilizer, but processed blood is ten times higher! This natural fertilizer tea is rich in iron, nitrogen and zinc.
Other ingredients that nourish and enrich water are leeches. Similar to snakes, leeches change their old skin by pouring it into water. When the old skin is removed from the leeches' body, it is deposited at the bottom of the bucket or vessel in which the leeches live, forming a cloudy formation.
How to get this water from your leeches:
You need to keep a good number of leeches as permanent residents in your home. First, start by buying a habitat suitable for your new compost-producing pets (such as the leech bucket) or any large pot with a lid. will work: a bucket with a lid and holes, a jar or a bottle. Fill the bowl with rainwater or tap water. Place the leeches inside, giving them access to oxygen by drilling holes in their container. The more leeches you have, the greener the water will become and the compost tea will form. Balcony and house plants and flowers especially benefit from this new fertilizer, as they will receive a constant daily or weekly supply of its invaluable tea.
If you keep 100 leeches in a 10 liter bucket, this water will be ready in about 3 days. If you spread your leeches among several buckets of leeches, the compost tea will be more diluted and if you keep them together, they will produce a more concentrated mixture. To separate the leeches from the water, you will need the help of a good-sized filter (sieve) and maybe a forceps to handle the leeches for better control of the animals. After emptying the old water through the filter, the leeches will be left in the filter, then simply return them back to the empty bucket and fill it with new water, which in a few days will become an ecological fertilizer in itself.
This process can continue throughout the year, without the need to feed your leeches anything, as they live up to 1 year without feeding and will continue to produce the precious fertilizer. If you should choose to feed your leeches, they will live over 3-4 years, constantly producing liquid organic fertilizer for the needs of plants and gardening.
Watering with leeches water is beneficial not only for growing plants, but it is also good for the environment, because you will not have to buy expensive artificial fertilizer. Everything from flowers, olives, shrubs, grass, trees and plants of all kinds will thrive extraordinarily well, in addition to such a gentle but powerful substance.
What you get from leeches is so unique that you will not find it anywhere else on the market or you will not be able to purchase such a strong mixture of elements, which are at the same time easily absorbed by plants, yet gentle and kind to the plant. . Raw raw blood is too harsh and alkaline, but leech water is correct. You will never have to worry about dosing or you will not feel the need to measure your fertilizer, because it can not harm plant life, but you can only do good things. Simply pour all the water from the leeches into the plant pots and watch them grow, like never before.
Având în vedere că nu trebuie să vă faceți griji că veți răni plantele, puteți utiliza toată apa de la lipitori pe care o produceți și puteți fi pe viață cu o soluție gratuită de rapel pentru durata de viață a plantelor, dacă vă mențineți colecția de lipitori în același timp. Puteți uda plantele direct cu apa care este scursă direct de la lipitori sau o puteți dilua cu apă curată. Apa de la lipitori îți va hrăni solul mai bine decât orice alt îngrășământ organic sau anorganic. Cu apa de la lipitori puteți hrăni, de asemenea, legume, pomi fructiferi, îmbogățiți solurile sărace, dar pentru aceasta veți avea nevoie de o cantitate mare de lipitori distribuite în containerele cu apă. Apa nu miroase atunci când este de 3-4 zile, dar dacă este lăsată timp de o săptămână sau mai mult timp devine prea puternică și dezvoltă un miros ușor. Prin urmare, vă recomandăm să folosiți pentru udare în a 3-a sau a 4-a zi.