"The Kiss of the Vampire" Enormous Leeches from Transilvania are beautifully colored leeches. They are also believed to be the basis of Bram Stoker's Dracula novel which portrays a human being - a count, who really possessed leech-like behavior and was himself believed to be a leech disguised in human form. Some Hirudo Verbana species of this leech become very large in size and are preferred kept as leech pets by some people because they are easy to take care of. The Giant leech pets are at least 1 year of age. Those leeches can go up to a year without feeding as well and when they start moving, they are slower to move about, but much more robust than their smaller counterparts. The giant pet leeches can be fed every 3 to 6 months as your house pet. These leeches will expand to quite a Huge size. As it doesn't require that much upkeep and feeding, it is considered the perfect aquatic pet for some who have decided to try something different. The giant leeches are intelligent creatures and very lively and fun to maintain and look after. They have a mind of their own and a personality as well. If you are looking for another leech with a personality, the buffalo leech is another alternative to tray and raise as well, although they are much more difficult to maintain and care for. If you purchase two pet leeches of this giant size and you keep them together, they will eventually mate in spring and one might become pregnant and give birth to a leech cocoon full of baby leeches.
UPON ARRIVAL: Immediately transfer your leeches out of the container with special gel and into a jar of cold water!
HOW TO GET THEM OUT: Pour out the gel with the leeches from the container. If the leeches are still inside, you may add a bit of cold water and swoosh everything around vigorously. If they are still stuck to the walls, you may try to use your fingers. Regular tweezers may harm the body of the leech, so they are not recommended for use - its best to purchase the recommended leech forceps used for easy removal and handling of the leech. In the absence of forceps, be sure to handle your leeches quickly, so they don’t start sucking blood from your fingers.
BEST CONTAINER TO USE: Keep your leeches in a large glass (or plastic) jar with a tight lid. The container needs to be filled about 1/3 full of ice-cold water. The lid needs to be closed and you may puncture needle-size holes in it. Alternatively, instead of a lid, you may cover your jar with cloth tied with an elastic band.
CARE: Change the leech-water at least once a week. Dump out old water by shaking it around vigorously first, with the lid on, until the leeches’ skins come off (they shed their skins about once a week). Skins appear as slimy whitish-clear particles, floating in the water. Carefully pour-out the old water with skins, taking care not to pour out any of the leeches, then, refill the jar again, close and shake. Repeat this process as many times as needed, until all the skins are completely gone and the water is perfectly clear. Fill the jar again with 1/3 cold water (its ok to use tap) and close the lid tightly.
Keep your jar with leeches in a cold, partly dark place, away from direct sunlight. During winter, they can be kept outdoors, partly-covering the jars with a towel, to protect from full sun-exposure. We do not advise you to feed your leeches during winter. Leech species can keep for 1 year without feeding. Keep your fed leeches apart from the hungry ones, as they will prey on each other. Be sure to purchase separate jars, to separate your fed and hungry leeches properly.