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Q.Do you have naturally dried leech?


Q.ORDER #9477 Hello! I placed an order for leeches on January 27 and they still haven’t arrived. Please help me understand this situation!


Q.Hi, i would like to purchase the leeches. Is it good time and temperature for them for shipping to PA?


Q.Can leeches be used to cure a cold?


Q.I got Big brus on my foot do you recommend leeches For me


Q.When is it best to order for a delivery to Calgary AB Canada To ensure the leeches aren’t kept somewhere over the weekend?


Q.Do you send the leeches to Portugal and how long would it take till they arrive here in Portugal? From where are you sending the leeches? I have wierd experience with Portuguese customs, they can hold packages for month if they think that I have to pay taxes because the package is coming from outside Europe


Q.I ran across the article below, regarding cleansing the leech before applying it. Your website doesn't mention this step and you guys don't sell HIRUDOCLEANER. Am I safe to use your leeches without it? "A leech should be sterilized for 5 minutes in a solution made by dissolving one tablet of HIRUDOCLEANER in 2 liters of water. Components of the preparation are harmless for leeches and effectively inhibit crucial enzymatic reactions in cells of bacteria, viruses and funghi. By triggering protein denaturation, HIRUDOCLEANER effectively destroys microorganisms which might be found on the body of a leech and its jaws as well as in its sucker and mouth opening. The solution remains in effect for 30 minutes and is entirely biodegradable."


Q.How can I track my leech order to Australia


Q.I ordered 22 leeches package but I got 21. Am I going to be reimbursed for one that is missing?


Q.Hallo , ik zou graag zelf medicinale bloedzuigers kweken , mijn vraag wat heb ik nodig op te starten en word ik daarin begeleid hoe dat moet ? Alvast bedankt


Q.Do you ship to Canada? Are any documents required? and in how many days will it arrive?


Q.I noticed that you sell "fed" leeches which will not need to be fed for a while after purchese. What size are these ?


Q.Can i have a lech oplease


Q.When is it safe to feed your leech if you're on antibiotics? I don't want them to poison my leech.


Q.Are leches available in August

A. Yes we have leeches in August.

Q.Do you have hirudo medicinales for sale or you sell only hirudo verbana?

A. Hirudo Medicinalis and Hirudo Verbana are very close cousins. Hirudo Medicinalis is a text book species, white H. Verbana is one most commonly used for Leech Therapy worldwide.

Q.I'm from Brazil and I wanted to know if I buy one for pets which is the best for pets not for medicinal purposes

A. Best pet leech is our Dracula Leech. It is the biggest leech size we carry. We strongly recommend you order that one. 

Q.Can leeches be shipped to Taiwan? Do I need application documents?

A. Yes , we ship leeches to Taiwan regularly. You don't need any type of documentation for the leeches. They will arrive at your doorstep.

Q.Why is the shipping so high within US, when it is such a small bottle? Shipping is almost as much as product.

A. Leech shipping is expensive, because it factors in the price of maintaining a large stock of live leeches and taking care of them by a team of trained leech professionals. Plus live leech shipping in itself is also expensive. Leeches are a luxury that not everyone can afford.

Q.yOOOO Poli you still got it???

A. Yes we still have this product of 100 Large European Leeches.

Q.What is the date when you stop shipping leeches over winter time ?

A. We never stop shipping leeches in winter. 

Q.why would i want to buy leeches? what is their use?

A. Leeches are used in leech therapy and for varies medicinal purposes. They are also used as pets. 

Q.What do you feed the leeches before I buy one? I want to be sure it hasn't been fed from another human

A. We do not feed leeches. Leeches arrive from the bio-farms of Europe, where they were fed with certified beef blood.

Q.I need only small about 0.8 gr each, do you have it? Where do you sen it from? I am in Montreal, Canada

A. Yes we maintain  live stock of leeches in different sizes. Leeches are dispatched from various locations throughout the world, depending on your destination country.

Q.Are there any laws regulating the breeding and sale of leeches for medicinal purposes? If so can you point me in the direction of where I can find more information? Thanks!

A. We are not legal counsel for the leeches and we are not familiar with all of the applicable laws in your country regarding breeding of leeches and selling them. We are only a leach seller and we dispatch leeches several times a week.

Q.What would be the best way to feed a pet leech? If I chose to feed it myself what are the risks (infection etc), and is there anything I can do to reduce these risks? I've also heard that people have fed their leeches ground beef from the store, would this have implications on my leech's health? And would I just drop a portion into their tank? If I found a butcher who could provide animal blood would this be preferable to store bought meat, and would I need to prepare this blood in some way so the leech could eat it? Thank you!

A. The only way to feed a leech is by supplying it with fresh blood from a living source. Most mammals can be hosts for leech feeding, however if you can not locate a human or a living mammal, some people choose to feed their leeches with blood stuffed into intestines. We are not familiar with this leech-feeding method, however many people use it. 

Q.I’m in the US, does this ship from a store in the US? Is it in plain package for privacy.

A. Yes, leeches ship from US location and packaging is extremely private and plane. 

Q.Which of these is good for bad Veracruz veins?

A. Leeches are used for Varicose Veins and many other medical conditions. 

Q.What do you feed baby leeches? And how long does it take to hatch? And how do you set up your tank for them? And what temperature of water is best for breeding them? And how long does it take until they hatch? And when can u use them for medicinal purposes?

A. Baby leeches hatch under the right conditions in 1-2 months and they are fed on the same feeding site, as their parents. Proper housing for leeches should consist of a large glass jar or bucket with a tight lid with many holes for breathing. You can add moss and pointed rocks inside the water for the purposes of skin-shedding and hiding.  Baby leeches can be used for medicinal purposes after they are 2 months old.

Q.I have OA in my spine, do I put them over the area of pain and how long do you leave them on?

A. Some people use leeches by placing them directly over the site of pain, while others place their leeches on the acupuncture points on the body, that correspond to this pain site. 

Q.Are they sold by the pound and will I receive them within a week?

A. Yes, we sell leeches in bulk and wholesale as well and yes your leeches should arrive the same week, if you order them early in the week. 

Q.Approximately how many leech can be put on my body to feed, base on the typical leech shipped. can I take 25 to 30. If ten leeches are place on the body, how much blood is taken from the body per feeding of ten. Do I need to take an antibiotic a day before. I am serious about feeding the Maximum amount and the Hirudo is what you recommend.

A. Leech feeding should be done in batches of 10 maximum. Each leech takes out 10 gr of blood per feeding. So you will loose 100 gr on each feeding. You do not need to take antibiotics however you can. Yes we recommend Hirudo Verbana for leech feeding.

Q.Hello want to buy hurido verbana (medicinal type) and make my own farm at home for my family. Which package should i buy? Large,medium?

A. The best leeches for farming are the large adult leeches. 

Q.How many leeches come in the mixed leeches and how many of what size

A. The mixed leech product contains a mixture of leeches of all different sizes, depending on how many of them you bought. 

Q.I'm confused. I see "leeches by the pound" for $3000. Then I see one for $13. Are they $13 per pound? And if so how many medium leeches are in 1 lb. ?

A. No, individually - priced leeches are more expensive. They can go up to $18 - $25 per leech. When you buy leeches wholesale you will pay a lot less money. 

Q.Hi, I was wondering if you ship leeches to Canada?

A. Yes, we ship leeches to Canada regularly. 

Q.I had a stroke and half of my body is paralyzed. A friend told me that leeches can help with my brain to suck blood out. Has anyone use it and was successful?

A. Yes many people use leeches for heart attack and strokes, as they thin the blood and break up clotted blood. 

Q.Hi! I bought a leech from you that is doing amazing! I have only been feeding it rats and frogs blood that I catch or buy from pet stores, but have recently had the curiosity of letting it latch onto me and feed from me. I want to see if because it fed on other animals does that make it unsterile/will pass along any parasites/diseases or will it be ok to feed off me? Thanks!

A. Yes you can feed your leeches on your self, after you have waited 3-6 months, for your leeches to get hungry again.

Q.What size of leech is best for gum treatments?

A. For gum placement it is best to buy small size leeches. 

Q.Hello! Some my leeches developed bulges over their bodies and regurgitated blood. I already lost 3 of them. All leeches are fed ans I change water every 2-3 days. Please help!

A. Do you keep leeches in the refrigerator and did you place pointed rocks inside their jar, so they can shed their skin easily and prevent bulges from forming? reduce risk of stroke, how many leeches should be use per week

A. We recommend using no more than 10 leeches or less per month, to avoid strokes and other medical complications. 

Q.I live at zip code 55304. how soon would 100 leeches arrive after placing my order so I can be at the mailbox when they arrive.

A. If you select the express shipping method, your leeches should arrive oveight. We ship leeches 2-times a week. 

Q.I want to sell leeches online on this website please tell me a processor

A. You can become a distributor for or a partner of ours. If you are interested, please let us know. you have leeches for fishing

A. Our leeches can be used for fishing as well. 

Q.People at have necessity to purchase some large leeches and see exactly what we're looking for on let us know if it's possible to ship 9-12 large leeches to zip code 96727 and how long they will take to arrive.The pages we're looking at on your website are: - and: inform us of any necessary details. If there is any problem shipping to Hawaii we will consider having the leeches sent to a friend in central Califoia. Thank you very much! Peace and Aloha! Brian

A. We send leeches to Hawaii all the time. You do not need to send it to a friend in Califoia. If you choose express shipping method they will come oveight. 

Q.Does Lindah oil really increase the size of the penis?

A. Yes our leech oil product is very popular and clients are coming back and repeatingly purchasing it. 

Q.I want to order leeches. How many days regular delivery are?

A. If you select regular shipping options they will arrive 2-3 days. If you select express shipping option your bloodsucking leeches will arrive oveight. 

Q.A standard practice phone calls are made as theft of parcels left at gates is very likely. Often door bells go unanswered or are disconnected due to solicitation or the security risk factor they are simply disconnected. Thieves are polite here, they ring your door bell before they rob you! If the recipient is not reachable over the phone the delivery company will then try the immediate neighbors and get them to sign the receipt. My neighbors have accepted your deliveries on my behalf in the past and know to refrigerate my package and get hold of me asap. I have instructed them of this again incase the driver can't reach me (network issues are very common between service providers, you can message someone sitting next to you and they may only recieve your text the following day!). In most cases, if nobody is able to take receipt of the package the company will try again later or leave a collection ticket and instructions. Parcels left at gates will will almost certainly get stolen or eaten by someone or by some wild animal. True story, there are at least 30 different animals that can probably kill you on your way to work in the moing or at the very least ruin your day!

A. Thank you for the information. How does it relate to your leech purchases and what is the exact question here?

Q.How long does shipping take? Need them by April 28 ! Thanks

A. We will definitely make sure your leech order is shipped immediately after purchase, in time for you to get it by that date.  

Q.Do you have a type of leech that doesn't bite at all?

A. No, all of our leeches are bloodsucking Hirudo Verbana species, however if you feed your leeches once, they will not bite again for another 3-6 months. 

Q.How can you tell a male from a female leech ? Can you specify the sex of a leech when you order ?

A. No, all leeches are hermaphrodites, so there is no distinction between leech genders amongst them. 

Q.Can you buy praziquantel as seperate medicine since dosage for praziquantel is 600 mg 3times a day for 2 days.

A. We only sell the products that are on our website and nothing else. Nevertheless they are very effective for all species. 

Q.Your website classifies leech sizes qualitatively as "small", "medium", "large". Can you tell me what weights (in grams) those correspond to? Also, when you ship, is it possible for you to tell me when the leeches you send were last fed? (This is relevant information for the "Methods" section of most papers we write.) Thanks, Daniel Wagenaar Research Professor and Director of the Neurotechnology Laboratory Califoia Institute of Technology

A. Unfortunately we do not qualify leeches in any other way, as they are quite stretchy and even their weight changes, according to how much water they retain and how much food they injest. So you can just order what you think is needed and hope for the best, as our stock of sizes often varies according to the season. you guys sell ribbon leeches at all? if not, will you sell them in the future?

A. We do not stock ribbon leeches or any other kind of fishing leech species whatsoever. Our leeches are only bloodsucking varieties. We do not plan to stocking any fishing leeches in the future for now. Our leeches can also be using as fishing leeches, if you plan to catch cat fish and carp.

Q.Do you have water leeches

A. Our leeches are Hirudo Verbana and they do live in water. What species of leech do you have in mind? 

Q.want to buy a leech oil for premature ejectculation to stay longer in bed and grow my penis

A. You can certainly try our leech oil for your medical condition and to enhance your sexual performance in bed. This is what most clients purchase leech oil for. Let us know if you have any other questions. i need to keep my hand / arm / still while feeding off me can i bleed out if i do not cover the wound? is there a difference between the dracula leech and standard hirido leech babies or are the draculas just older

A. The Dracula is a Hirudo Verbana leech. It is just larger than the rest, because it is older. there a difference between standard Hirudo leechs vs the dracula or are they just older compared to the baby size

A. Yes those leeches are older compared to the baby size. You can also grow your own Dracula leech by feeding frequently a standard - size Hirudo Verbana leech, until it is really big.

Q.I have small scar under my lip. It's old but the skin is a little elevated and there is white scar tissue where the laceration occurred. I've tried massage therapy and it has helped a little to improve appearance. I believe applying a leech may improve blood flow, and hence appearance. What is the best leech for this purpose?

A. Leeches are not exactly cosmetic procedure plastics surgeons, however you can use some baby leeches to try and improve the blood flow around your scar tissue scarring and hope to improve your appearance in this way.

Q.Hello Crack Customer Service Team, Frank & Claudette here. One of our little guys can only be described as "constricted" and it appears he cannot process the small amount of blood he draws, especially when compared to the other leeches. They all draw a pretty fair amount and then process it as excrement. Our little 'Constricted Guy" appears to only regurgitate the blood he drew and it comes out with no evidence of its having been digested. He seems to be about as "alive" as the other leeches but we cannot help but think he has either an injury or some kind of deformity. He (It??) also appears to be banded" in a couple spots along his body length which is why we are asking about injury or deformity. None of the other leeches have this kind of constriction along their bodies. What do you guys (and girls, of course) think? Should we just let the little guy live out his (her? It??) life and let nature take its course or is there anything we could / should do to perhaps "Fix" or otherwise assist it? Seems like a silly situation but life is pretty precious around here, even the life of a leech. Thanks for your assistance and consideration. Frank & Claudette, The Weismantel's P.S. I have 2 photographs of the little guy. How can I send the photos to you through your website? There doesn't seem to be a portal for file uploads. Thanks again.;..

A. Hello Frank & Claudette, there are two possibilities that happened to your leech: It has either been injured by the other leeches by bite on its body or this leech may not be shedding its skin properly and it is constricting its body. The first possibility would be viable, if the leech has a round mark on its body, in which case it will be letting out blood from that hole and you must isolate the leech to live by itself and to heel properly. For the other possibility you should add some small and medium sized pointy rocks to its water, to aid the shading process for him and for his mates. Adding rocks will be very beneficial for all of your leeches anyway, because improper shading of the skin leads to many Health problems and even death.

Q.In the photos on your website you have some that are greenish and some black. Ara these different breed?, and are all these for medicinal purposes?

A. All of our leeches right now are Hirudo Verbana medicinal leeches, used for medical purposes. The pictures may differ at the moment, this is because we plan on stocking two more leech varieties very soon: Hirudo Orientalis and Hirudo Manillensis Buffalo Leech.


Q.What do you do with the fed leech?. After you apply them to your body and they have sucked some blood, can you use it again? if so after how long.

A. You can either care for the fed leeches at home in a jar or you can release them in a pond or a lake. Please be sure that you are not breaking local state and federal laws, when doing so. If you are taking care of them at home you will need to do so for at least 3 - 6 months, before being able to use the leeches again.

Q.Do you have pregnant hirudo medicinalis leech? Thx

A. Yes we sell pregnant leeches on this website , they are Hirudo Verbana medicinal leech, suitable for medical leech therapy purposes. Simply purchase it and it will arrive in 2-3 days. you sale tiger leeches?

A. Currently we do not stock Tiger leech varieties, however it is possible that we may do so in the future.

Q.I had leech therapy for migraine. Awesome! I have been told now with my liver problems they can help that too. I excited. They put the leeches behind my ears they grew in fat size like crazy. 3 times far. I kept them in a jar used them 1 a 2 week period. All better. They were just black slim leeches given to me by the doctor of use. I’d now like to get some more. Is there a certain type or all they all the same? Still researching want to get better again soon. I liked like yo order as soon as possible. With Covid I have to do it on my own now. Help please. Thanks.

A. The leeches you need for your problem are Hirudo Verbana. Those are the medicinal leeches you need for medical purposes. They sometimes come in a little darker shape and sometimes the are lighter green colour, but the both do the same job. We only sell these particular variety, because most of our clients use them for leech therapy (Hirudotherapy)

Q.Do you only sell blood suckers and what do you feed non-bloodsuckers?

A. Currently we only sell bloodsucking variety leeches. We may stock non bloodsucking leeches in the future so keep your eyes peeled and keep checking on our website frequently. 

Q.After feeding, all the individuals who were fed to full saturation regurgitated all the blood they received and then died. What do you think led to their deaths?

A. Sometimes the purity of the blood is very important in determining the health state of the leeches after leech therapy has been performed. We have witnessed cases where clients who take toxic or strong drugs will have all of their leeches dye after therapy or even upon touching their skin, since the sweat of the body can also be highly toxic. 

Q.Hi, I was wondering can you plz calculate my shipping freight to ship for Canada Fort St John BC , I want to get 50 for $490

A. Hello Canadian customer, we ship to Canada regularly and in order to determine your shipping fee, you must fill out the order form on our website If you are not happy with the shipping fee for your aria, you can just abandon your shopping card and choose another leech supplier. 

Q.Is is possible to buy/own Hirudo Verbana as pets in Australia? if so what are the requirements?

A. Yes, we ship leeches to Australia regularly. There are currently no requirements that we need from you in order to process your leech order and ship your leeches to you. You will receive them at your doorstep a few days later.

Q.Where is the instructions on how to use this oil

A. All you have to do is rub the leech oil on your body parts as needed and wait for the results in a few minutes. Enjoy the product!

Q.Hi do your leeches cause any diseases of any kind or something like that?

A. No, our leeches are medically and veterinary - checked. At the point of importation into the United States and worldwide, to make sure they are disease-free and pathogen-free before entering the continent. You can use the with confidence.

Q.Hello, We have a conce about our leeches. Our dog gets Advantage flea treatment (Killing Juice) on a scheduled application plan. It is time for her treatment and we don't know if the flea poison will kill or otherwise cause the leeches "distress". What are your thoughts on the matter? Thank you, Frank & Claudette The Weismantel's

A. Yes the flea treatment is very poisonous and it will likely either kill your leeches or cause them to vomit. It is very possible that they won't even latch. It is best to discontinue the use of this "advantage" liquid or pill for about one month, before applying the leeches on the body and skin of the animal. 

Q.It says they ship weekly. What day might that be? Just trying to make sure I’m home those couple of days. Thanks in advance!

A. We ship leeches 2-3 times a week and this will determine how fast you will get your leeches.

Q.How best to take care of the leech moss: fully submerged? ... or just damp... out of the water? all this is new to us... wanting to create the best environment within a glass acquarium for the leeches

A. We believe the best way to take care to keep your leech moss is to keep it with a little damp out of the direct sun light and keep damping it as it dries. 

Q.Why my shipment with the order number 8469 will get here on the 10th of February?? I PAID $64.00 FOR A TWO DAYS DELIVERY. NEED A RESPONSIBLE RESPONSE.BEST,Ali

A. Leech oil is send from abroad and it takes longer to arrive. 

Q.How many leeches should I buy to treat Osteoarthritis in both knees? My Mom has it. She uses Eliquis.Can I use them on her knees? When they arrive will they be fully fed or very hungry? Do I have to wait 6 months to use them on her knees?

A. We recommend you purchase 20 leeches total and apply 10 on each knee. When they arrive our leeches will be hungry and ready to eat. 

Q.What are the pads used for? Just leaing about the advantages of live leeches...

A. Our pads are used to contain all of the oozing of blood that happens after the leech bite. you have knowledge of a pisciolidae leech?

A. We only work with Hirudo Verbana leeches.

Q.I bought some jumbo leeches, but they won't attach to my dog's ear hematoma. What am I doing wrong?


Q.What type of leech is the jumbo leech picture 2?

A. there a medicinal use for leeches today?


Q.Hello, I want to buy a drinker, but I need to know which animal's blood you feed the drinker. do you use pig blood

A. You can feed your leech the blood of any living mammal including pig's blood.


Q.I would like to order a leech in the future, what kind of questions would i ask a doctor or what would i get checked if i were to go check if im capable of feeding it with my own blood.

A. You will need to not be taking any blood thinners in order to feed leeches on yourself.


Q.I have pain in my hand to where an area will go numb, will it help with that if i were to let it feed off of my hand? (curious about the medical side)

A. It might help, because leeches have been used traditionally as a pain killer in the past.


Q.this is more than one question but i am curious, is there any sanitary instructions to follow before feeding a leech on skin? and is there anything i need to know about blood content? (can i still have caffeine etc...if not how long would i need to wait until i could feed the leech after consuming.) would pain killers like aspirin etc hurt it?

A. It is important that you do not use any skin fragrances before applying leeches to the skin. Also after therapy you should not drink any alcohol. You can also refrain from drinking coffee for a few days. It is important to know that aspirin thins the blood and this can slow down clotting as soon as the leech falls off the skin.


Q.Your page on the Giant Dracula Leech says it's "Not Suitable for Leech Therapy"; does this mean it's been fed on a person before, and that it isn't safe to let bite me? Also, do they have to hibeate this winter if I want them to breed in spring?

A. Leeches have never been fed human blood or placed on humans. The leeches we sell are not for medical purposes, but everyone decides how to use them. Usually winter leeches hibeate unless you keep them in a warm room when they are active and do not hibeate.


Q.why are certain large leeches not Suitable for Leech Therapy?

A. Everyone decides how to use his own leeches.



A. Our leeches are back in stock now. We begin dispatching orders starting from today.


Q.I bought 10 large leeches from you in April. During the last couple of days two of them have died and I think many of the leeches have shrunk in size. Maybe it's time to feed them? I don't really want to feed off me, what can I feed them instead? I've heard blood sausage works?

A. Blood - filled sausages are a great idea for leech feeding purposes, however, living mammals are a much better option for the leech feeding procedure. If you can source a frog from somewhere it might work out, alteatively you can try placing your leech on your house pets, such as a dog or a cat. As a final resort your grandma might work out as well (just kidding)


Q.When may I get my money back? I cancel my order #8064

A. Your order was canceled and refunded on September 27, 2021


Q.Some of your images show beautifully colored animals and others show more plain specimens. What's the difference? Do they change colors as they get older?

A. Just like people, leeches are individually unique in coloring, although bearing similar coloration pattes. This is why some leeches appear more beautiful in pictures than others. Hirudo Leeches sometimes have a different accent color such as yellow, green, red or brown. 


Q.I take blood-thinners, but leeches may help my other health issues. Would my medication harm them?

A. No, leeches are not harmed by medications or any other chemicals that may enter your body. Leeches are resilient creatures and very adopted.



A. Yes of course we can. This is what we are here for. It is already 26 of September. 


Q.Will leach oil increase length and girth or just girth ? And after a week of frequent use I can’t keep using it everyday ? I have to cut down on 3 times a week?

A. Leech oil is known to increase the girth rather than the length. Please let us know if you have any other questions about the leech oil product. 


Q.Do you have shipping to Canada, Ontario ?

A. Yes absolutely! We ship leeches to Canada regularly.


Q.Where is my order

A. Hello what is your order number? If you experience delays you will have your order shipped as soon as leeches are back in stock. We post regular updates on top of the website


Q.This may be a stupid question but I just wanted some clarification. I see you said all the leeches you sell are Hirudo Leeches so would that mean the ones with different names are the same just a different variety? Like how all dogs are the same species but the breeds are from breeding specific traits. Just curious since I may end up getting one after some more research. Thanks!

A. All of the leeches we sell are Hirudo Verbana leech, which is used as a medical leech. We sell them in different sizes.


Q.Hey once I've purchased my leeches and fed them all at the same time, can I put them collectively in a tank set up for another 6 months as they are fully fed or should I house them individually to be safe?Also because I'm looking to start a production I thought it might be best to purchase adult leaches, roughly how Long should I wait before breeding them?

A. You can definitely keep all of your fed leeches in the same container without any problem, as long as the container is large enough for all of them. Fed leeches require more space than hungry leeches and more frequent water changing, because of the increase excretion, due to the blood digestion and processing. 


Q.The instructions for the caniverm say don't take with other parasitic medicine yet there are is a blend of parasitic medication in the pills itself. Is it safe? And what's the proper dosing for humans? One pill a day or?

A. Yes this medication is completely safe.


Q.Hi Dears I living in Australia , can I buy leech from you ?

A. Yes we can send you leeches in Australia only during the cold months in the year.


Q.I have been wondering this for years! How do leech breeders feed their leeches? Thanks so much!

A. Leech breeding is a very difficult task. It is almost imposable to achieve. The most difficult part is the feeding process, because it is not easy to find naturally occurring living mammals to provide for the leeches to feed on.


Q.How many do you get if i order 3

A. When you order 3 leeches you will get 3 leeches delivered from us.


Q.Hi..please how can i breed leeches?

A. Breeding leeches involves acquiring moss and dirt, and keeping a good selection of mature adult leeches for mating in that environment. When they have successfully mated, they will lay their cocoons under the dirt and moss and when the conditions are right, those cocoons will hatch and produce about 10-15 baby leeches offspring. However, this is a very difficult process and not very many people have been successful in doing it. 


Q.I understand that given a chance. A leech will crawl up your urethra. Is this dangerous? Will they drop back out?

A. Hirudo Verbana Leeches usually do not crow up urethras or any other tight spaces. Leeches are usually inserted into the tight space and as soon as they are done feeding, they will fall back out without any complication.


Q.I’m looking at getting a leech as a pet and have a couple questions. 1) I take several different medications, would allowing my leech to feed on me put them at risk of being affected by these medications? If yes then what species of livestock blood do you recommend?2) Do you have a size estimate of the H. verbena and Dracula leech when full grown? Preferably in inches. Thanks!

A. No, medications do not prevent leeches from feeding on you as their host. They are not usually affected by the medication, So it is safe to use them. Each specimens of the breed H Verbana leeches reaches a different size as they mature into adulthood.

Q.if we order today Wednesday 4:26 pm, when will we receive the shipping. Also, I got the code for 10% discount, however, when I enter at checkout, it says it is not a valid code

A. sends out weekly discount codes to its customers by email. If you have not subscribed to that service, please do so on, by entering your email address in the pop-up window.


Q.Advice on how to breed leeches?

A. Leeches are very easy to grow. All you have to do is change their water once every 2-3 days. If you provide them with the best conditions, they can live with you for years.


Q.Do you sell Medicinal leeches? How long before delivery? I live in Oregon.

A. The leeches we sell are of the Hirudo Verbana species. They are a cousin of Hirudo Medical, but both types can be used for medical purposes if this is your wish. Delivery to your specific location depends on the shipping plan you choose at the time of check-out. There are 3 delivery speeds: slow, fast and express.


Q.I need a few leeches for my dogs ear. I need a blood sucking leech. Like a medical grade leech what should I go with?

A. We recommend getting between 6-10 large leeches for your dogs hematoma. This is a quantity required to achieve a complete healing. 


Q.If I buy the 12 baby leech pack,, How long does it take for the cocoons to hatch? How can I transport them out of the country?

A. Leeches that hatch from cocoons are bo in the spring. You can easily transport your leeches by putting them in Hirudo gel, which we sell on our website or in a bottle with water.


Q.How long will it take to see growth using this oil and do this oil increase the flaccid state as well or just the erected State

A. We are not familiar if this leech oil will enlarge your overall flaccid size of your member. 


Q.How many do you get per 1 order

A. Large leeches are sold individually one by one, unless you buy them in a discounted package.


Q.Say I buy 10 leeches how much water do I keep in the jar and how long can they live in the jar? After you use a leech what do you do with it?

A. You need the large leech jar for this purpose and you will keep it half - filled with water.

After a leech has been fed and therefore used, you can either keep it in a separate jar, so as not to get attacked by its brothers, or you can release it in the wild. Most people who do not wish to take care of their used leeches, will release them in a body of water, such as a lake or river.


Q.Hi, With COVID and world-wide delays, is it safe to deliver to Canada right now with the postage delays?

A. Yes, we have a dispatcher sending out leeches from Canada to all of our Canadian customers and Canada addresses by express currier. 


Q.How many babies will give one pregnant leech?

A. Pregnant leech will deliver a cocoon full with babies. Under the right conditions the cocoon will release about 10-15 baby leeches in spring. If temperature and conditions are not right the mother may absorb the pregnancy or the leeches may not come out of their cocoon.


Q.What are the average sizes for each leech size

A. The average sizes for each leech size are listed on our website for each product.


Q.What different leeches can live outdoors in New England weather. Have small pond I would like to stock with smaller sturdy kids. Don't want to spend too much as this is an outdoors wildlife project. Thanks David Dunlap

A. You can safely keep Hirudo Verbana leeches in your pond, as well as North American leeches. The NA leeches are currently out of stock for us, but we do have Hirudo Verbana leeches in stock.


Q.Are the leeches hirudo verbana or Hirudo medicinalis ?

A. All of our leeches are Hirudo Verbana which are closely related first cousins of Hirudo Medicinalis (Medicinal Leech), aka Medical Leeches. Hirudo Medicinalis is a variety of leech found only in text books today.


Q.Are there any leeches that I could keep in a goldfish pond? That would casually feed on the goldfish when hungry?

A. No, you can not casually feed your H. Verbana leeches on your goldfish. The reason is Hirudo Leeches can not feed off of scaled fish. The only place they can feed of on fish with scales is their eyes. So this means that your fish will become blind in a matter of days. 


Q.If the leech or leeches bite you are you exposed to any sickness?

A. No, leeches do not transmit diseases. 


Q.Hello! How big will this leech be upon arrival? Is it a baby? And how much bigger will it get? Thanks!

A. Sometimes we ship our leeches as babies, if we do not have adults available. Leeches live 6-7 years and in that time of period the leech continuously grows.


Q.I need 10 Leeches for treatment . Can I take them at home easily ? And how can I sure about the healthy of your Leeches for cross disease ?

A. We do not know what you meat. Please re-state your question. 


Q.Hi, I received your leeches and tried to put on knee, first leech squeezed out black liquid and then squeezed out a lot of blood and didn’t attached to the knee. It made impressed me as used leeches. Please advise.

A. The fact that your leech does not want to suck blood, does not have anything to do with us ( You just haven't managed to enticed the leech to bite you. To entice your leech to bite you can do many things, such as pricking yourself or sweating profusely, as leeches love the smell of sweat. Also do not use any scented soups or perfumes on your skin.


Q.I bruise very easily and always have unsightly purple spots all over my hands and arms. Can I use leeches to clean up my bruises?

A. Leeches will bring blood circulation up to the surface of the skin, however it will not eliminate your bruise oveight. Furthermore, if the leech is too large or medium it may leave a scar of its own which is not going to go away easily, so we do not advice to use leeches for bruises. 


Q.Hi I need Hirudo leech for medicinal purpose and i need the ones that are more greenish with golden lines and red dots on it. Not sure what is their name a, so I need to know their name to order. Also i need medium size but i cannot see any option for that. I appreciate if you inform me To make my order. Thank you

A. We have already addressed your question in the previous answer.


Q.what else can i feed my macrobdella decora other than blood? worms? help!

A. Macrobdella Decora does not eat anything except to suck blood from live mammals. So you can feed it will blood and it should be ok.


Q.Do you ship using Fedex?

A. We ship via United States Postal Service (USPS), as they allow the shipment of live animal products.


Q.Are this 20 leeches ($105) Hirudo leeches? Ir what kind? Thanks

A. We only sell Hirudo leeches. The majority of leeches that we sell on our website are in fact Hirudo Verbana (cousin of Hirudo Medicinalis - the Medical Leech of Europe). Hirudo Verbana is the leech used most frequently in almost every single case of leech therapy throughout the United States, Europe, Canada and the world. 


Q.Within how many days of order we will receive leeches?

A. We ship leeches usually 3 times a week: on Monday, Thursday and Wednesday. In exceptional circumstances, we might dispatch leech orders also on the rest of the week days; i.e. Thursday, Friday and Saturday until noon. 


Q.In how many days it is received after been ordered?

A. We ship leeches weekly and they are received a couple of days later.


Q.What are the size of the leeches in this $105 pack of 20 with the strainer and shipping? Small medium large? The price has me interested of course but I need to know approx size. Thanks

A. Leeches in our budget packs are usually of mixed sizes, so, baby, mini, cosmetic, small, medium, large, gumbo, giant and Dracula. 


Q.Can the pregnant leech feed off you while she carrying her babies

A. Yes, absolutely! 


Q. Can the pregnant leeche still feed off you whilst they are pregnant ?

A. Just like any other living creature, the leech can feed while pregnant as well. 


Q.For the type of Hungarian Leech Hirudo Verbana leeches, from the date I received how long they can survive without feeding? Is there any chance that I could lea the last feeding time?

A. Leeches can survive up to 1-2 years without feeding. Usually the leeches, we sell were fed about 6 months prior this patch. 


Q.What sizes are these jars? Are they a good size to keep a Dracula leech in?

A. Yes, all of our jars sold on are adequately to fit between 5-100 leeches, depending on the size of the jar and the leeches. We sell mostly the 1 litter and 2 litter jars - in your case both sizes will work to house your leech comfortably.


Q.I am in Pullman Washington in the USA. We live near the Snake River. I have a 20-year old house guest who went swimming in the river about three days ago. His eye has been bothering him since. I took him to an optometrist who discovered four 1-mm leeches moving around on the coea of his eye. They were not attached. No one here has heard of anything like this. Do you have any ideas or suggestions about what these leeches might be? Or who else I might consult. Thank you.

A. If the doctor discovered leeches in his eye, why did not he take them out? We really don't know how those leeches get in there. We do not sell this type of leech here in this shop. We only sell Hirudo Verbana bloodsucking leeches. Those are another type that are not bloodsuckers. 


Q.Will there be any chance of contracting any blood boe diseases from the leeches? For example have they come into contact with any food sources that could be a vector for blood boe pathogens?

A. Leeches do not spread diseases. They lack the proper mechanism to retu the sucked blood back out to inject into the new host, so as to infect them something. 


Q.Will there be any chance of contracting any blood boe diseases from the leeches? For example have they come into contact with any food sources that could be a vector for blood boe pathogens?

A. No, absolutely not. Leeches are not transmitters of decease. Please read our "Leech Questions" Section for more info.


Q.How can i feed and what can i feed my fishing leeches?

A. Leeches for fish bait and fishing practises are fed in the same way all other Hirudo Verbana leeches are fed. Depending on the species of leech that you have, this will determine how they will be fed. Different species of leeches eat in a different way. Horse leeches for example swallow whole worms, however we do not sell this species of leech here. We only sell blood-sucking Hirudo Verbana and some other Hirudo species. Please browse our store to buy the blood sucking leech. Some leech breeders populate their lakes with frogs, to help feed their Hirudo Verbana and Hirudo Orientalis leeches.


Q.How much more blood do they drink, compared to the ones that are regular sized?

A. The Giant Dracula leech will ingest about 10 times more than the regular sized leeches. 


Q.Where my order is?

A. To find out the status of your order, you will need to track your package through the website or throw the email confirmation link sent to you by us.


Q.Hi i want to know if is was hirudo leeches in the leeches box kit ? For practice hirudotherapie medicine ? I'm from from quebec canada and i looking for this... help me please :)

A. Yes of course. Leech Box special includes Hirudo leeches.


Q.Hi there. Can all leeches sold on this site be used for medical purposes? Regards, Arsen

A. Most people use the leeches they buy from us for medical purposes. It is up to you how you intend to utilise your purchased H.Verbana leaches.


Q.Are baby Hungarian leeches available? Prefer baby or smaller leeches for pets.

A. Yes we have baby Hungarian leeches available. Just buy the regular Hungarian leech on the site and we will send you its babies. 


Q.Hi I registered on your website today. I saw that 600 Hirudo pack of leeches cost $1700. When I click ‘shop now’ the price on your website shows $4600. That is Faldo and misleading advertising. Please advise how I can get that for $1700. Thank you, Miriam Kaufman

A. We do not know what Faldo means, but our prices vary. You will need to sign up to our news letter, to find out about special discounts, promotions and sales happening on our website. As soon as we release them, we will send you an email each time.


Q.Is all your leeches therapeutic?

A. Yes all of our leeches are been purchased by clients to use for leech therapy (Hirudotherapy), because we sell Hirudo Verbana leech species. 


Q.USPS tracking number: 9405510202079186842173 Are looking to send Me My Order-I do waiting 2 Weeks!

A. If you have ordered from an inteational location (another country) during the Covid-19 pandemic, there might be a delay with your order, just because of the broken supply chains worldwide. But I believe your order is already dispatched and received by you.


Q. What if I swallowed baby leaches? How do you kill them?

A. We do not recommend you consume leeches or swallow them. If by any chance a leech is swallowed however, it will be almost instantly killed by your stomach juices.


Q.How long do I need to keep my unfed leeches separate from my fed leeches after feeding?

A. It is best to keep your unfed leeches from your fed ones for at least 6 months.


Q.Hello I'd like to purchase 100+ leeches. What does importer special mean? Are they medicinal? Also, is the supplier certified? Thanks in advance.

A. Leech Importer Special is the name of a product package that is discounted. All of our leeches are medicinal grade - certified and vet-examined. 


Q.Hi, on my last shipment, last week, i got some medium and many v. large leeches (i ordered only medium). since delivery 8 leeches died - apr. one a day. i am changing water every day because leeches are pooping a lot. now i want to order small 100. what species are they? you are not specify. what price can you offer if i would take 300 small Hirudo Verbana? please let me know. what do we do with the ones that die? please get back to me asap. regards, Andrew 917 4687683

A. Hello Andrew, we provide a 100% guarantee on our leeches. This means if you paid for over night shipping and you receive dead leeches, you will simply send us picture on the day of delivery and we will replace them for free. If you missed your deadline, we will again be happy to replace your dead leeches as courtesy , as long as you send us a picture and place another order of the same size on our website Once we approve the replacement your new order will include the replacement leeches along with the newly-ordered leeches. 


Q.I often wrote leeches on this site and I was always satisfied with the quality of the leeches sent. However, the last order made me very upset. I ordered 10 large leeches and 10 medium ones. Instead, I received 15 large leeches and 5 medium leeches. All major leeches were not sustained. All of them were not hungry and had a lot of blood in their stomach, which is rude and unacceptable in the practice of hirudotherapy. This is a gross violation of the rules for the sale of leeches and their safe use. I hope that the company will take this into account and will not allow such violations of the rules in the future.

A. Dear Elena, we are not a medical leech seller by rule. We simply sell live leeches. It is up to you what you will use your leeches for. We do not adhere to any hirudotherapy rules, laws or practises whatsoever. Sizes of the leeches are arbitrary. We send you what we have in stock, according to your preference. Also, we can not guarantee about the behaviour of your leeches, as they behave the way they want, depending on the season and the conditions they were given. 


Q.How big will these leeches get when they get older? Or do they stay small

A. They will get bigger - as big as a Dracula Leech potentiall.


Q.Are these anticoagulant ?


Leeches have anticoagulant effect on the blood because they inject hirudin which thins the blood. and all the blood thinning medications are based on this effect. 


Q.Can i supply you Leech i have large amount in my local river and dam in the farm. mostly types that suck human blood. whatsapp me. Regards


We only supply our leech stock from European bio farms. We do not deal with wild leeches.


Q.Can this be used as a penis enhancement

A. Yes it can. However we send you the correct product already in 2 different varieties. 


Q.Are the Leeches in the 20 Leech home kit all hirudo Leeches or a different breed of leech? I also live in Alberta, Canada, do you guys have any problems shipping to Canada?

A. All the leeches we sell are of the Hirudo variety. We ship regularly to Canada, and due to the Coronavirus, we have special distributor in Canada. 


Q.if it bits me will i tu into a leech?

A. If a leech bites you, you will not become a leech, for the simple reason that a leech is not a spider!


Q.Which ones bigger the XXXL or the large leeches?

A. The XXXL leeches are bigger than the large leeches.


Q.The leeches which are 5 for $45, are they medical leeches? And do you deliver to Brooklyn NY?

A. Yes, we deliver leeches to Brooklyn NY and worldwide. All of our leeches are Hirudo Verbana variety. They call them also medical (medicinal) leeches.


Q.I did not read about the leech gel when I got my pregnant leech and didn't know to rinse my leech before placing her in the enclosure. Some (about a teaspoon) of the gel ended up inside the enclosure when I put her and the moss in, mostly sinking to the bottom. Will it be safe to leave it until after she lays her egg cocoons and they hatch so I can safely do a water change/tank clean or should I remove it now? I don't want to stress her more than necessary. Thank you :)

A. You should change your leech's water weekly. So the leech gel will be gone next week when you change the water. Ideally, leech gel should be only for transportation purposes and disposed of, afterwords. Leech gel is made of special polimers that leeches will not enjoy living in. 


Q.Does it come with the jar?

A. No, if you order this product you will only get the leeches and you will have to purchase the jar.


Q.Bait leeches: how long will they live?

A. Hirudo Verbana leeches can be used for bait as well and they can lour pike fish and catfish.


Q.can I just get the jar? I'm not responsible enough to care for leeches so I'd really like to purchase that beautiful vase. Please get back to me as soon as you can. Thank you :)

A. We will order more of these leech vases (eas) and we will have them for sale soon on our website. So check it regularly. 


Q.How to combat leech withdrawal symptoms?

A. Are you sure you are addicted to leeches and the leeching procedure? If so what exactly gives you the feeling of high and why do you think you can not stop using leeches? We have never heard of leech addiction or withdraw symptoms.


Q.How many leeches are included if you buy just the standard one? Is it one leech or is it a pack of 2-3 leeches?

A. The product Mini Leeches include just one leech and you will select what quantity of them you would like to purchase.


Q.My friend and neighbor, Suat Kaldirim, has bought 200 Bloodsucking Leeches - Suet's Special. 1 from your website. He paid $600. His order number is #4058 in July. Do you consider to match same price?

A. Yes, we will consider matching the lowest price that you find for leeches anywhere! 


Q.Hi! What size of the leeches in the 22 pieces pack?

A. Our budget 22 pack leeches contain a mixture of different size of leeches.


Q. This question was asked before and no answer was given. What do your leeches eat why they are in your care?

A. We do not feed leeches at The last time the leeches had been fed is at the leech bio farm in Europe, where they came from


Q.After feeding, typically how long before they are ready to feed again?

A. You will have to wait 3 - 6 months before using them again. 


Q.How large are the "kiss of the vampire" leeches you sell

A. It is the largest leech we have in stock. When fed, this leech could reach the length of your palm.


Q.What's the type of small leech, medium leech and large leech

A. All of our leeches are bloodsucking Hirudo Verbana leeches. We also cary Hirudinaria Manillensis on occasion. 


Q.Do you ship to Canada, Nova Scotia.

A. Yes we do. We ship leeches to Canada regularly. 


Q.How i keep blood liquid to feed my leeches?

A. You can keep your leech-feeding blood liquid by keeping it on ice for a short period of time. After that it will coagulate.


Q.Can I get Hirudo verbana? Size large


Of course you can. Just leave a note at check out. 


Q.Do you send the products for latinamerica???

A. Yes we send leeches to Latin America and all over the world.


Q.Hi, what is the difference between 99 $ for 20 leeches and 140 $ for 22 leeches? I need to purchase medical big leeches from your. Please advise Thank you Happy Holydays

A. Sometimes we run budget pricing specials. 


Q.My son and I wanted to get just a few small leeches for our 7 pound cat who developed a femoral thrombus. We were advised to have her euthanized. Not an option for us at this point. We found out about the use of leeches for blood cleansing and would ask if we could buy just a lik want only a few small leeches since we have no use for large quantities. We want to give Littlebit, our cat every possible help we can. Thank you for your consideration. Celia Hanna We're in Chico CA

A. You can certainly apply leeches on your cat periodically. There is no harm in that. It should help with the clothing. You can start by purchasing 10 leeches and go from there.


Q.Hi, do you guys sell the leech oil to pure

A. We sell leech oil here:


Q.If I let the leeches feed on my blood will it leave a scar?

A. It depends on what part of the body you are letting your leeches bite on. For example, leeches applied on the back of the neck, do not leave any scars. Same applies to the back of the ears. Down low by the ankles on the legs, leeches do not leave visible scars over time either. However if you apply leaches on your stomach, liver, thighs, arms, back or buttocks leeches will definitely leave a mark. Also small and baby leeches are not likely to leave a mark anywhere on the body.


Q.If I let the leeches feed on my blood will it leave a scar?

A. Please read the previous question to answers your enquiry.


Q.Hi, Can I use hirudo leeches for the medical purposes? Thanks

A. Yes, this is what most people use these leeches for. We sell Hirudo Verbana bloodsucking leech, which is the closest cousin to Hirudo Medicinalis (Medical Leeches), which by the way exist only on text book. Everyone associated with Hirudotherapy, Leech Therapy, etc. uses Hirudo Verbina Leeches, such as the ones sold here on our website.


Q.Hello, I have been using leeches for 9 months now, as therapy to heal an injured finger. They have done a great job. Now I am finished treatment and am wondering about the best way to permanently, humanely retire these beautiful creatures (12 medium size Hirudo). Since I live in N.America I would not release this species into the wild. The Medicinal Leech Therapy book says to freeze them and then place in a 100% alcohol solution. What is your experience?

A. The most humane method to dispose of your unwanted leeches is to release them into the wild, by dropping them into a lake, pond, river, stream or into a canal. This way, you are doing them a huge favor and granting them the rest of their life to live in peace, quite and happiness. If you live in Europe, this is a native species and would fit perfectly in. If you live in America, the count you are releasing is so small, that it would not tip the balance, so it is perfectly safe and humane.


Q.What size are these leeches? 30 Live leeches for 250 dollars, that are on sale?

A. We have corrected the product you wish to buy. We have added the description: mixed/assorted sizes.


Q.Hi can i use leech oil for enlarger breath or face Thank


Q.I ordered leeches and in British Columbia Canada we have Canada post do the leeches come there or do they come courier off so do I need to give my house address?

A. Yes you are required to provide your delivery address at the time of ordering your leeches.


Q.What is the size of both large and jumbo leeches?

A. We do not engage in sizing leeches, only because this would involved measurements and we do not measure leeches because they are stretchy.  


Q.I’m a 7 inches long to 7 inches thick I want to Add three or four more inches to my girth to make it a 10” or 11” how much leech oil to put on and would leech oil make your balls bigger to?

A. We do not know how much leech oil needs to be apply to increase your girth, however you can keep applying leech oil, until you reach the desired size. 


Q.What is the weight range of the leeches in the 50-pack?

A. Leeches range from 1 gram to 10 or even more grams each. We do not size our leeches by gram weight, however you can buy a sensitive electronic scale and start weighting them yourself.


Q.What are your leeches fed? I want to order some but I'm hesitant because of a lack of information on how your leeches are kept and what they're fed. I'd also like to know where they are raised and if you ship to the U.S. Thank you!

A. Yes we ship our leeches within the U.S. daily. We have a shipping centers in Califoia and Chicago. Our leeches come from the most reputable European bio farm. 


Q.At what time would they be fed before shipment

A. The leeches we send are fed 6 months before shipping. We only send out hungry leeches ready to suck blood. 


Q.If you put moss in the leeches jar how often you need to change the water and how you clean the moss if needed?

A. You need to change leech water every 2-3 days whether you have leech moss or not in your leech jar. 


Q.Would you have a retail shop in Jayapura that do sell your Indonesian Leech Oil for Penis Enlargement? I am in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea and would be visiting Jayapura soon for shopping, hence, your Indonesian Leech Oil one of the top priority on my shopping list. Thank you!

A. We only sell Indonesian leech oil on our website and we do not have a leech shop in Indonesia. 


Q.How long will the result last?


Q.How long will the result last?

A. The results will last as long as you need perform in bed.


Q.Which leech is used for penis enlargement?

A. Any leech oil in our store is used for this.


Q.When you say you can let them feed on you at your own risk, what are the risks? Are there diseases or pathogens that they carry?

A. There are no known risks for letting leeches bite you and feed on your lymph and blood. Nevertheless, the health organisations have determined that we give this disclaimer to our customers, just in case.


Q.What happened to the high jump of prices here. Just July I ordered and within 6 weeks 120% hike :-(

A. Leech prices always go up in winter and they usually come down in spring, depending on the market. 


Q.If a leech goes all the way up the male urethra will it come out by its self and will I get an infection from the leech being in the urethra?

A. Leeches do not force their way up into any tight whole, being urethra or other tight body canals or orifices. Hirudo Verbana leeches simply gently glide very delicately onto smooth surfaces and never force their way into anything. So there is no danger of this happening, perhaps a leech can get into your nose or ears but this is because they are not tightly closed orifices.


Q.Hi guys, I've ordered from you a couple of times, how do I get a loyal customer discount code? Best regards, Natalia

A. You can write 600-word review of your leech-purchasing experience with us and send it to us, to receive a permanent 25% off leech discount code. You may post your review here on this board as well. 


Q.I'm still waiting for feed back from you. Please reply asap looking for hirundo leeches

A. Waheeda this is a general questions and answers announcement board. Here we respond to questions, whenever we can. If you have an urgent inquire about your leech order please use our website contact form. 


Q.Hi jus need to knw da the 70 leech for $370 are dry garuda medical leeches and shipping cost to Durban south Africa and time please


Q.Hi is the 70 leech for $370 giroud leeches

A. The leeches we sell are Hirudo Verbana. 


Q.I like to buy your special 5 for 30$. Are these leeches for medical uses?

A. We don't have any such specials. Leech prices go up in winter and stay high until springtime.


Q.Ordered your home kit a few days ago. Have had no contact from you since I ordered. I need to know when to expect my order. If you want my future business you need to communicate with me.....

A. Leech orders are shipped weekly or if the weather is extreme it is only shipped once a month. 


Q.Hi, can they feed on myself ??

A. Most people feed their leeches on themselves, however we do not recommend it. Although leeches do not transmit decease or cary viruses, it is still highly advisable to seek medical professional's advice, when handling Hirudo Verbana leeches medically. 


Q.Hi, I have big amount of leeches in Iran, i could deliver those to everywhere you want. Could you contact to me?

A. Hello leech supplier from Iran. We have never received leech shipments from Iran, so if you would like to test us a test leech shipment, you may contact us at: 

Q.I am from india .how and where i found it in india...and i want 5 medium size leeches with cheapest prize...thanks and regards

A. We do not ship leeches to India at this time.


Q.Are all of your leaches parasitic leaches?

A. All of our leeches are Bloodsucking (parasitic) type leech.


Q.what weight do they reach in grams? How big do they get. Thank You

A. They will get as big as the Dracula Leeches. The weight in grams is around 3-5 grams.


Q.Do you ship to Canada? How does it clear customs? I don't want to buy if i can't get it through customs.

A. Yes we ship leeches to Canada regularly. The package will arrive directly at your address. 


Q.Do you ship to the Northe Territory of Australia?

A. Yes we ship leeches to Australia regularly. 

Q.Am in medan city now and where can i get this product ( leech oil )?

A. Please purchase your product online and we will ship it to you within one week.


Q.Hey, Do you send leeches to the Netherlands? How long will it take? Will they arrive healthy and alive? I would like to buy a 100 piece medical leech (small size) and how much do I have to pay for this? By the way, you make a special offer for 100 pieces. best greeting. Hassan

A. Hassan hello, your leeches are already in the Netherlands. You should get them probably tomorrow. 

Regards, you give me information on how to care for the newbos to include bedding, water temp, age when can use etc

A. Yes, we can give you care instructions for your baby leeches. 


Q. sure would be helpful to have specification information available! Looks like what I'm wanting to buy, but not interested in spending $$ without information.


Q.Hi dear. Are you leeches good for hirudotherapy? Are they medical?

A. Hirudo leeches are bloodsuckers and they can be used for medical purposes however we do not advice it. Please consult with your medical doctor, hirudotherapist or leech therapist. 

Q.If I buy a great leech and other items from this website, Do I get some privacy package, How I can buy and I don get any other promotions from you, I would like to send the package to my office and I don't want anything to follow. Is this possible? Thank you

A. Yes you get a total privacy package when ordering from our website. You will not be solicited for any other products whatsoever after your leech purchase on our website. 

Regards, you guys ship to Australian capital cities?

A. Yes, of course we do.


Q.How you pack leeches? can you send leeches to India?

A. We can send leeches worldwide. Our leeches are packed in sturdy containers, that can withstand any wether condition. 


Q. What to use for leech treatment . What do you feed when raising leeches. Is there a halal or kosher certificate l would appreciate if you inform me

A. Most leeches feed on live mammal host body. This means most pet leech owners feed their pet leeches on themselves. If you feed your leeches with intestines full of blood, it does not need to be kosher or certified. Just regular beef blood would be enough. 


Q. bonjours ! est ce bien des sangsues m?dicales ? comment sont elle ?lev? en laboratoir ou en milieu sauvage ? merci cordialement

A. Most of the people use our leeches medically.


Q.How big in inches are they xxxl leeches?


Q.How big in inches are they xxxl leeches?

A. XXXL leeches are around 3.9-4 inches long.


Q.Could one of these fit in one of the jars you sell on your website for life?

A. Yes absolutely, they can live inside any of the jars we sell on the website


Q.Could one of the Dracula leeches be kept in here or maybe 3 of the India?

A. Yes of course you can keep your Dracula leeches inside the leech jars, this is what they are for. 


Q.I work in the Biology Department at Califoia State University, Sacramento. One of our researchers does work with leeches and prefers leeches that weigh approximately 3 grams. Would this weight be considered a medium or large leech? Thank you for your time!

A. 1 gram is considered a small leech, 2 grams is considered a medium leech and 3 grams is considered a large leech and 4 grams is considered an extra large leech and 5 grams is a Jumbo leech. 6 grams is our Dracula, Vampire and XXXL leeches and 7-10 grams are our pregnant leeches. 


Q.Hi, If I don't have an animal to feed the Dracula leeches on, what else could i feed them? I read elsewhere that earthworms and beef livers are good alteatives. Is this true? Could I feed them on myself? Thanks!

A. No you cannot feed your Dracula leech with earthworms. Bloodsucking leeches only suck blood and they do not eat anything. Yes many people do feed their bloodsucking leeches on themselves, however you may do so on your own risk. 


Q.I don't know how to sell my leeches on this web !

A. Are you trying to sell leeches online? The best way is to click on the link at the bottom of the left-hand menu of our website and to open up a website of your own. This is the best way to sell leeches online as Amazon and Ebay often do not allow it. 


Q.What's the difference between this leech and the dracula leech?

A. There is no difference. They are just the same size leech.


Q.How big do the hungarian leeches get if kept as pets? in addition, how often do they need to feed?

A. Hungarian leeches get as biggest as Hirudo when fed. They feed as just as often as Hirudo, because they are the same variety. 


Q.Can it be used as medical purposes ?

A. We do not condone our leeches been used for medical purposes or as medical devises although many people do. Always consult with your medical profesional or hirudotherapist, who does leech therapy, to get their advice on this matter and to make sure you are using them safely. 


Q.Recently got a Hungarian leech from you and wondering if your leeches have ever been fed and the safest way to feed. I Like the little guy so far!!

A. The safest way to feed a leech is on any mammal. We do not feed our leeches, but they do in the bio-farms, before they arrive to us. Only the baby leeches are never fed. 


Q.Will a person come in a car to my house. And is this is illegal and is a jumbo leech bigger or a large leech.

A. No, there will not be a personal delivery made to your house. Our leeches are delivered by courier companies or the post office. Leeches are not illegal to own as pets. The Jumbo leech is larger that the Large leech.


Q.i didn't to get my order on leech on that time, but i paid that order.

A. We do not understand what you are saying. 

Q.Can I keep the leeches at the same jar without matting? Or only keeping them separately prevent that?

A. Yes you can keep your leeches in the same jar without them matting. Leeches will only mate when they are placed in couples with leech moss and a leech bed. 


Q.Hi I want to purchase some blood sucking leeches for pets. Do you sell them? Also what temperature do I keep the tank? & are they healthy eg if one was to bite me would I be safe from HIV etc. ( from their previous bites) thank you ps I am in the U.K. do you send there?

A. Yes we sell leeches for pets. We sell pet leeches. There are pet leech packages on our website. Yes we ship to the UK. Your order will arrive in just 3 days, so be sure to place your order now, so you can get it the same week. Leeches do not transmit diseases, however  before using them consult with your doctor.  

Q.Leeches for Sale: 22 Live Pack - are they for medical use ? I knew I'll do it by own risk , but are they useful for hirudotherapy?

A. Most people who buy leeches purchase them for hirudotherapy purposes, however we can not condone this practice and you must do it at your own risk, as the rest of the leech therapists and hirudotherapists do.


Q.Which species this specimen is? I is possible to have leeches as pet in tropical (hot climate) countries?

A. Supper large leeches are Hirudo species of bloodsucking leech. Yes, the Buffalo leech is the best species for hot tropical climates.


Q.Hello if I buy special deal 63 leech starter kit can I use those leeches for my therapy or they not ready yet ? Last leeches I bought from you half died :(

A. The 63 leech starter kit will be ready for you to use immediately. They are healthy, fresh and lively. Your last leeches did you feed them immediately after you received them? How long did they live? Did you change your leech water weekly after feeding them?


Q.I have a question about the leech jar: does it have holes on top of the platic cap, so that the leeches could breathe?

A. Yes, we can place holes on top of your leech jar before we send them out to you. 

Q.About how many inches lengthwise?

A. We do not measure our leeches in inches. Leeches are elastic and they will expand in size lengthwise, so it is hard to pinpoint what their measurement is. Your best bet is to look at the pictures on our website and determine if the displayed medium size will work for you.


Q.I bruise very easily I read that letting leeches bite the bruise makes it go away. What type of leech do I need for this?

A. We have heard of people using leeches for bruising, however we can not dispense medical advice in this situation. Our personal experience is that anywhere where you have delicate skin you should place only small or cosmetic leeches. You might want to consider working with at least 5 leeches for a good effect, as this is what people use. 


Q.Which your leeches are hirudo? I need to do a therapy on people. Thanks

A. All of our bloodsucking leeches are the Hirudo variety, except the North American Leeches and our Buffalo Leeches. The big majority of the people using bloodsucking leeches for Hirudotherapy, use indeed the Hirudo, the Hirudo Medicinalis, or the Hirudo Orientalis varieties.


Q.Are these Hirudo leeches medical ?

A. Hirudo bloodsucking leeches can be used for medical and medicinal leech therapy and hirudotherapy purposes, however, we do not advice you to do so unless consulted by a medical doctor or a trained healthcare professional.


Q.What are the scientific names of the large blood sucking dracula hirudo leech and the hungarian hirudo leech

A. The Hungarian leeches are scientifically known as Hirudo and the Dracula leech can sometimes be Hirudo, or Hirudo Orientalis, or North American Macrobdela Dekora, depending on what we have in stock in terms of Dracula sizes 

Q.If I want to purchase these as a pet. And obviously they need to eat, can they feed off me once every three months if it's a small one or once a year if it's a large one?

A. Regardless of the leech size, you can feed your leeches every 3-6 months, depending on when they get hungry again. 


Q.How many leeches should be kept in one of these jars?

A. You can keep up to 20 leeches inside each of the two leech jars and you can keep up to 200 inside the leech buckets we sell


Q.Which is bigger on average, this or the dracula leeches?

A. The Dracula is the biggest leech we have in stock.


Q.Have any side effects?

A. Leech oil is not known to have any side-effects. 


Q.Hello your last message you told me that i can buy 200 leeches from the package which is 400 leeches for 1300$,.I like to have this deal but I want it for half of leeches.I tried to put my order for 200 leeches but it doesnt give me that option for 200 leeches. Only purchase option is for 400 leeches.? What should i do to buy 200 leeches from that package? Thank you

A. If you do not want to purchase the 200-leech packages, that we have available in our store, then you would have to purchase this package that you like and we will simply refund you half of the purchase price. Please include a note in the notes space at the time of checkout that we need to refund you half of the leech purchase price. Enjoy your holidays.


Q.Is there prolonged bleeding after feeding a leech?

A. Yes! Leech bites bleed upwards of 10 hours afterward. However, the bleeding is not heavy at all, only prolonged. It's called "oozing". This oozing is easily contained by applying a good thick pad over the bite.


Q.How can i buy 200 of them?

A. You can buy as many leeches as you like. Our online shop at offers the opportunity to select the desired count of leeches and pay for them, having them at your doorstep the very next day! We also offer bulk leech packages such as the one you have inquired about. You can find other similar bulk packages by browing our leech store, with their prices clearly displayed on each bulk package. 


Q.Ok great how can i put my order for 200 leeches...i also want to use my 15% coupon...

A. Yes, you can use any discount coupon you have available, as long as it has not expired yet. There is a discount coupon on offer at the present moment, however it expires on Christmas, along with the Free express inteational shipping for orders over $200. 

Enjoy your leeches!


Q.Baby Leeches 300-Pack (Sterile) Regular price $620.00 didn't you feed the leech? Are they in cocoons? shipping free? discount 14 percent? Should they still need to buy medium-sized leeches?

A. does not get involved in leech feeding. We stock our leeches hungry from the leech bio-farms and re-distribute the leeches hungry to customers. ?ur baby leeches are not sold in cocoons. To get a discount code, you need to join our email list and wait to receive your first email with a promotional offer for the holiday season.


Q.Looking for packages of dry leeches

A. does not deal with dry leeches. We only sell live leeches.


Q.Can you please send me phone number..i need to cobtact you..this is my 4th message and i dont want to put order before contact someone

A. Hello Perihan, we have posted our response to your messages on this forum. Please note that we receive many questions, requests, and emails and we can only respond to them publically on this forum, unless you are a client already, in which case you will be provided with direct email and messaging access to us and can check your order status and tracking at any time after you place your leech order.


Q.Do you have any info has to leeches and healing a dog ear hematoma? Am looking at every option to avoid surgery for my dog

A. Many people have used leeches for Hematoma and have found that they work perfect for this condition and resolve it in a matter of days. As always, we advise you to consult with a veterinary doctor, or hirudotherapist when using leeches medicinally. 


Q.Why leaches no come yet!

A. Hello Tim, we have not found any orders or purchases under your email address! Please send us your order number for more information.


Q.Hi, i need about 150-200 leeches most..can i get it same price..i really don't need 400 of them...this is gonna be my 3rd order, and like to give my order soon...please replay..thanks

A. Yes, you can get the same price. We see two previous orders from you as follows, which order price are you trying to emulate? 

OrderDateCustomerPayment statusFulfillment statusTotal

Q.When do I need to feed these little guys? (every week, month, etc.)

A. You can feed to your leeches every 3-6 months.


Q.Is there any difference between Hirudo and Medical Hirudo leeches? And do you have Medical leeches? Thank you.

A. People use Hirudo Leeches medically all the time. That is what makes them medical - that people use them for that purpose. Almost 100% of the time people use Hirudo leeches. 


Q.Can I put them on my arm?

A. Many people choose to feed their pet leeches on their arm. Just make sure you follow all the sanitary precautions that are involved with this kind of procedure. 


Q.i am a leech seller do you want leeches for sale? Please contact me by email. Thank you.

A. Do you leech your leech products to the United States, Canada, Australia and Europe? If so please contact us at 


Q.Hi we are using leeches for medical purposes. Please tell me what size are medium, small and large leeches. Also we order every time around $300 worth of leaches. How much will be shipping cost and how long tu around to Brooklyn? Thank you. Gary

A. Sizes of leeches are relative, because they are very stretchy animals and we pick out a good mix of leach sizes if you buy a budget package on sale. Right now our newest batch of leech stock is rather large. So you will be getting mostly large leeches if you buy today. Shipping cost vary, depending on the plan you pick. The slowest and cheapest option is USPS 3-4 day delivery. It costs $15. The next shipping plan is the same, but with the live guarantee, which is $45 and the last and the fastest shipping option is the oveight courier delivery, which is $85, and your leech order will be with you the following day. So buy with confidence and enjoy your leeches! 


Q.Hi. Can you tell me what genus species these mini leeches are? Thanks!

A. Mini leeches are of the Hirudo European bloodsucking variety. 


Q.What species is the mini leech?

A. Mini leeches are of the Hirudo family european blood-sucking leeches. 


Q.Does it come with the cool vase?

A. No, the leech order does not come with any vase


Q.Are these Hirudo Medicinalis?

A. Our leeches for sale contain all different types of Hirudo varieties, which all perform the same function - to suck blood.


Q.Is that oversize leech 8 of them for $72.00 also they are medical leech. When you ship it dose it need to feed anything. Thank you.

A. Yes this is 8 oversized leeches for $72. The the leeches are the Hirudo variety. We do not understand your question about feeding and shipping the leeches, please clarify.


Q.How do i keep them alive? Is it just water and blood?

A. Leeches are kept alive by taking care of them really well. You need to keep their water clean and feed them with freshly - drank blood every 6 months. 


Q.Hello me and my girlfriend just received a north american leech last night and we kept it in a mason jar with air holes in it. We read that tap water might be ok for it and we live in Oregon where the tap is pretty clean. I notice there is a tad bit of paint on the inside of the lid. Late last night we noticed it was clinging to the wall above the water and then later on seemed a bit lifeless. I noticed clear goop on the wall where it was and when i touched it with my finger it was still attached to the leech. We are terrified we might have killed it with mishandling it but are hopeful it just shed its skin and is hibeating maybe? Its skin is really tight on its body and it is on the bottom of the jar and is not responsive at all. Please respond ASAP so we can determine if we need to order a new one.

A. The North American leeches release clear slime in excess, so this is normal for them. What you need to do is change their water, to get rid of the slime. As long as the North American leech is hanging on the wall of its leech jar, it should be ok. 


Q.Are the xxxl leeches blood suckers?

A. Yes the XXXL size leeches are indeed bloodsuckers. All of the leeches we sell are blood-sucking leaches. 


Q.I take medicine, SSR's, for my mental health. Is it possible that this could harm the leech, if it were to feed off of me? What else should I avoid putting on my skin or in my blood stream before feeding?

A. No it is not possible for the leech to get harmed by the contents of your blood. The leech has its own defensive mechanisms, so do not worry about that. You should always avoid smoking cigarets, drinking coffee and eating dairy and meat, especially consuming alcohol as this will interfere with the purity of your blood and healing. 


Q.What are the best type of leeches to get for blood pressure treatment?

A. Please consult with your medical doctor about your blood pressure condition, as we can not issue medical advice. Allots of people use medical leaches for blood-pressure problems, however we can not tell you how to use them specifically. We have heard that most people who treat this disease, place them behind their ears. 


Q.How do you tell if a leech is pregnant?

A. Pregnant leeches are fatter and bigger than anyone else in your leech collection. They seem to have a big bump inside. Pregnant leaches move slow and rest more that the others and they are always hungry.


Q.Where to buy a medicinal leech medium size?

A. Try


Q.What size do I get in this pack (63 sterile)- are they only baby or mixed sizes?

A. You will receive baby leeches in 63 sterile package and some small sizes. 


Q.Hello Is It safe if I buy leech and put it on my penis and my anal ?

A. Well in fact many leech therapy professionals apply leeches on the anal, however we recommend you consult with a hirudotherapy professional before attempting any such medical procedure. Regarding the placement of leeches on the private parts, these are very delicate arias of the body and we do not recommend you use the leeches there, without the supervision of medical doctor. 


Q.Would you be able to order these as babies? I love to watch my pets grow.

A. Yes, of course ! Any leech can be order as a baby. Just include a note in the "Notes" at check out, say that you prefer babies. 


Q.Can the different species breed with each other? For example can the hirudo, american, and Transylvania leeches breed?

A. No, leeches of different species can not bread with each other. For example the Hirudo leech varieties are all cousins and can interbreed amongst each other. North American leeches are Macrobdella Decora and the Transylvania Dracula variety is of this family, so they can mix. Next Buffalo Leeches are Hirudinaria Maniliansis and they can only bread with other Buffalo Leeches only. Lastly Turtle and Tiger leeches are completely different species all together and can not interbreed with any of the others. 


Q.How feed them. can they bite skin or not? thanks

A. Sterile Baby leeches are fed by placing adult leeches on the feeding location and letting them pierce the skin, so that the babies can then attach to the same site and suck blood from it. 


Q.Hi, what is this leeches scientific name?

A. Our Dracula Pet leeches are veriest types. They can be Hirudo or North American Leech (Macrobdella Decora), according to your choice.


Q.How we can grow up leech in small flat? I mean which rule we have to obey or i need to lea how i can do that.!? do appreciate.

A. To keep leeches and raise them in a small apartment or a flat all you need to do is buy the leech buckets from and stack them on top of each other and you can fit up to twenty buckets like this against the wall in your apartment, on three levels. You then need to change the leeches water weekly to keep them alive and healthy and you need to feed them once every six months or once per a year. To feed the leeches you can place them on a living mammal. 


Q.What Species of leech is this and do you ship to the UK ?

A. Yes we ship to the United Kingdom (Great Britain / England) regularly. The species of leech we sell are the Hirudo variety and if you prefer you can also get Buffalo Leeches send to the UK however they are a bit more expensive, because they are an exotic leech variety.


Q.I need a leech book. I want to buy it. Can I buy it by bitcoin? tanks

A. Yes you can buy the leech information book from our website , however we currently do not offer bitcoin as a payment option. 


Q.I need a book of breeding and reproduction of a medicinal leech

A. Hello, here is a link to a Leech Book that you can check out , however we do not have a dedicated leech breading book if we find one for you we will post it as a product in our store. 


Q.I want to lea more about leeches please direct me in a way I can do so.

A. Yes we will be happy if you lea more about leeches. We have tried to compile enough information however , if you don't find this information sufficient you might want to purchase some leech related books, such as this book , to educate yourself on the benefits of bloodsucking leeches and their care and history. We plat on publishing more information on leaches, as we go along. So keep checking our website. 


Q.Hi so I have a question, if I wanted these just to have as pets and wanted to have them feed off me, is that ok and are they sterile, also what do you feed them while you have them, this will be my first leaches.

A. Leaches can be fed on a living mammal such as horse, dog, cat, sheep, goat or your grandma. Yes they are sterile and yes you can feed them on yourself if you are that brave. 


Q.Hello, We are a producer of leeches. Are there any buyers if leeches? Thanks

A. We stock our leeches from the bio-pharms of Europe to distribute worldwide. We are contacted by lots of Iranian leech producers however non of them ship their stock worldwide. 


Q.Do you have any Leech oil ?

A. Yes, we now offer leech oil on the natural product section click here to see it.


Q.Hello, do you deliver to Australia?

A. Yes we deliver leeches to Australia regularly. 


Q.I would like to order 120 leeches package, can I order only large size?

A. Yes, of course you can order all large leeches. All you need to do, is leave a note in the "Notes" section at checkout, that you prefer only large leaches. 


Q.Are these sterile leaches? Could I get any parasites form these ones?

A. Yes the leeches we sell are sterile, however please consult with a hirudotherapist before using them on your body for medical purposes.n


Q.What breed of leeches are the baby leeches? Please get back to me

A. Our baby leeches are the Hirudo breed leech.


Q.Hello, I would like to know if these leeches are used leeches and if people can use them or they are for pets?

A. Leeches sold on our website are primarily meant for pets, but many people choose to use them on their body for medicinal procedures. If you are one of those people, you are using the leeches at your own risk. 


Q.Where is leech sale?

A. Leeches on sale can be found here: sale packages 


Q.Can different species of leech live in the aquarium together (like the hungarian medical leech and the pet Dracula leech)?

A. Yes, leeches can co-exist together, if you order them from same leech type.


Q.Hi do you deliver to Australia, can these leeches be used for detoxing reasons, like removing toxins from blood?

A. We can ship leeches to Australia and people use them for different purposes, although we are not particularly familiar with the purposes each person buys their leeches for, they have been used since ancient time for detox, purification and healing purposes. As with anything, if you should choose to use your leeches medicinally, we recommend you contact a hirudotherapist or consult a medical doctor.


Q.Do the baby leeches ship to Canada?

A. Yes, all leech species ship within Canada regularly.


Q.I Keeping seeing the absorbent pads for sale, what are they for?

A. The absorbent pads are for the bleeding that occurs after the leech feeding. Leeches are fed with the blood of living mammals, so naturally, you might want to use pads to absorb the blood flow afterwards, which may take up to 10-12 hours to subside.


Q.Hello is it medical leeches sterile?

A. If you choose to use our leeches medically, this is up to you and its done at your own risk. We recommend you seek the advise of a medical professional, any time you choose to use live animals for medical purposes. Our leeches are sterile, raised in a farm and fed with certified beef blood.


Q.Are the buffalo leeches still on back order?

A. Buffalo leeches are always available for sale in our online leech store at:


Q.What country you are shipping from. How Can I be sure they are sterile. What is your base of breeding. Thank you larisa

A. Leeches are shipped from several different locations, depending on where you are ordering from. We will dispatch your leeches the same week you order, unless you have chosen the oveight leech shipping, which dispatches daily. We buy our leeches from biopfarm wholesalers, to distribute to customers. If you are uncertain of the quality of our product, you may order from other leech selling sites and compare the results.


Q.Do leeches need blood from their keeper/ guardian and how is it done?? Will they leave a scar on my forearm?

A. Leeches can feed on any living mammal. The feeding technique depends on your preference, but most people prefer to let the leech crawl around and attach on their own. For example, if you are going to feed your leech on your dog or cat, you would shave the area for feeding, as the leech prefers bare skin to attach itself on, and let your leech crawl around that area. Once the leech is securely attached, it starts to suck blood and it will drop off on its own when its done. If your leech isn't attaching easily to the chosen area of feeding, you may use the needles sold in our online shop, to prick the skin and let some blood out, so that the leech will smell it and be tempted to feed exactly on that same spot. You may also feed your leeches artificially, by stuffing an empty intestine with blood, however, this option is not advisable, as leeches do not prefer it. They much prefer a firm, live body to suck their blood from. If leeches are fed on humans, small leeches will not leave a scar, but medium and large leeches may leave scars on your body. There are places on the body where scars do not occur, such as the back of the neck area.


Q.I need about 100 leaches , but they have to be the black ones , please let me know what size you have and how much cost is ? Thank you

A. We don't sell horse leeches, if this is what you mean. Horse leeches are usually blacker in color and they do not suck blood. We only sell bloodsuckers.


Q.5 leeches pack How much cost india ruppy

A. Leeches are sold in Dollars on this website. You will need to pay in dollars and the system will allow you to see how much your shipping will be for the leeches to India.


Q.I would like to order the 120 leach package, but only want small one's.. is that possible??

A. Of course you can order the 120 leeches and specify only small size leeches. You can generally specify a preferred size on any of our packages, simply include a note at the time of checkout in the NOTES space.


Q.Can i get good offer for middle east ??

A. Yes, all our leech offers are same for everybody, worldwide! We have shipped to the middle east for many clients and they have all been happy with their purchase.


Q.Hello, American leeches are species of Macrobdella decora? I am from the Czech Republic, can I have some troubles on the border with leeches, when I will buy it?

A. If you purchase leeches from Europe, they will be shipped from Easte Europe for you. We do not currently carry any Macrobdella Decora leeches at the present time, only the Hirudo varieties.


Q.Why are you doing this? I genuinely want to know why the fuck anybody would want to drop $600 on a leech.


Q.I recently purchased the "buy 9 leeches" package for $69 and wanted to inquire about the species that were included as I intend to use them in hirudotherapy. Please give me whatever information you can about the medical veracity of my purchase. Thank you.

A. The leeches you can purchase in our online store are of the Hirudo variety. If you should decide to use them medically, as many people choose to do, you should consult your medical doctor or a trained hirudotherapy professional (leech therapist). Before attempting to use your bloodsucking leeches for medicinal purposes, keep in mind you are doing so at your own risk, unless done under medical prescription and supervision. 


Q.Do you ship to Australia?

A. Yes we ship leeches to Australia regularly. 


Q.Hello, Can you please tell me the type of leech these are and what sizes and would I be able to possibly pick some sizes?


Q.I am from pakistan i have 150 live leeches i want to sell them. kindly tell me how i would be sell this?

A. We do not purchase our leech supply from Pakistan. We only stock leeches from Biophrms in Europe. Thanks for your offer however!


Q.Can you send to sa (South Africa)? Can leeches be kept and reused?

A. Yes, we send leeches inteationally. They indeed can get hungry again in 3-6 months time, so meanwhile you can keep them as pets and have fun raising your leeches!


Q.I am a bit interested with your wild leeches?? Can i ask if these leeches are land dwellers as pictured from the image that you guys posted or, are they the same 'ole wild version of Medical Leech (Hirudo Medicinalis)?? I did bought 8 of your H. leeches from you guys not too long ago and all survived transit just so you know. My only honest complain about you guys is the lack of description for each or group of specimens that you're selling.. That's why i asked..

A. Wild leeches are also Hirudo and are not recommended for medicinal use. Consult with your doctor or healthcare professional when using any leech species medically on the human body, even if its just for feeding. The only specimens we sell at the moment are Hirudo varieties.


Q.Can I trust your website? It's my first time looking to buy leeches, are they bloodsuckers? How long does it take to receive them? Thank you

A. Leeches sold on are Hirudo Bloodsucking European leeches. It takes about 3-4 days for you to receive your leech shipment in the mail. 


Q.Hi. Do you have medical leeches?. If so can you email me information and price for it. I think it are the same as a cosmetic leeches. Best regards. Adam Wieczorek. tel 973-477-2451,

A. We are a budget leech seller online. If you are looking for medicinal or medical leeches shop, you might need to contact specialty leech sellers online or clinics that sell them in your area. Although many people may choose to use our bloodsucking Hirudo leeches for medical purposes, we do not advocate their use in medicine without consulting a medical practitioner or hirudotherapy professional first. 


Q.What kind of leech is it sorry I probably should know just wondering.

A. Our leeches are the Hirudo variety. Enjoy your pregnant leech!


Q.Hello. Just curious of on how long (lifespan) do Hirudo leeches live for in captivity? (as a pet). Also, are there different lifespan for the various sizes of the leeches sold on this site? Or are the varying sizes here really just an indicator on where the leech might be in their life cycle? (Example: smaller leeches are typically younger than the larger counterparts? I'd really like to know these things, as they may assist me on choosing what kind of leeches I will get (as a pet).

A. Baby leeches are newbos. Small leeches are young teenagers. Medium leeches are regular adults. Large leeches are somewhat over the hill. X-Large and XXX-Large leeches are senior citizens and Dracula leeches should probably be thinking about the nursing home (LOL). So yes, size does matter, in regards to age. A leech normally lives to about 3 years. We hope this information helps you choose the right aquatic pet for yourself.


Q.How large is the jar? (Amount of gallons or liters it can hold).

A. Our leech jars are either 1-litter (Quart Size) or 2-litters (half gallon) in volume


Q.Hi! How long do I have to wait for the baby leeches to grow up to use for medicinal purposes?

A. Leeches grow up in 3 to 6 months. To use them for medical purposes, it is advisable that you first seek out a hirudotherapist or a medical professional. Some people are able to use leeches medicinally from the baby stage, but once again, once you consult with a professional, they will tell you what species they use and at what stage of their life they apply them.


Q.Hello, do you delivery in France ?

A. Yes, we deliver leeches to France regularly. 


Q.How bad is it to get an order right when I only ordered 4 leeches? Someone needs to lea to count 4 is not 2. You said for me to check to see if I received a Dracula and a large and I can not tell because I have never owned leeches before.

A. Please feed your leeches and you will find out that you have received 1 Dracula and 1 large leech. Once you have confirmed that with us, we can issue a refund or a re-shipmen to you of the ones that are missing from your order.


Q.How many leeches come in a box?

A. Which leech box are you referring to from our product shop Tony? All prices are clearly visible on the website. If you are unsure about the price, please quote an exact product and we will clarify.


Q.What's the best price the leeches for fishing

A. All leech prices are listed on our website: - you can clearly see the prices of leech packages as well. Make your purchase directly through our online store and your fishing leeches will be delivered a few days later.


Q.Are there air hole in the lid?

A. You can order the leech jars either with or without air holes on the lid or on the sides, depending on the your personal preference. If you prefer to have air holes, simply include a note at the time of checkout. 


Q.Can I use this cream for face ? Want to order please respond

A. Its a cream with leech extract. You could probably use it for any part of the skin on the body, not just the legs.


Q.Would I be able to feed these creatures my own blood as a primary source?

A. Many people feed their pet leeches with their own blood. We would advise you that using leeches on yourself is done at your own risk. Although very few people are allergic to leech bites, it is possible that you may be one of them, in which case it is possible to experience prolonged redness or skin irritation, in which case you should seek medical help.


Q.Is there any information on using the leeches to eliminate tumours ?

A. Leeches have a long history of being used in medicine, including the conditions you are afore-mentioning, however, it is best to consult with a doctor or a professional hirudotherapist, before using leeches medically.


Q.What kind of moss species is this and is it alive?

A. It is a European variety of Moss, suitable for the Hirudo Leech. Yes, the moss sold is alive and can be placed inside the leech home. 


Q.can you use these for health issues, like putting them on your skin?

A. Leeches of the bloodsucking variety have a long history of being used to treat illnesses, diseases and medical conditions. Leeches are still widely used in Easte Europe, by people and folk healers as a cure for many ailments. Therefore, bloodsucker leeches are medically significant animals in that respect, however, you are proceeding at your own risk, if you decide to use leeches to apply on your skin. We advise you to consult with an experienced hirudotherapist, before treating yourself medically and we also advise you to procure medical leeches, which are especially bred in approved bio-farms and fed on sterile beef blood, to be able to be used in the medical establishments. You can also watch videos on youtube about leech therapy, to lea more about this interesting topic. 


Q.Are these alive

A. Yes, All leeches sold on are alive. 


Q.where do babies come from

A. Leech babies come from the biopharm, where they have hatched from the leech cocoons of their mothers. 


Q.Hi I have your store address. I was there today and did not find your leeches store. Do you have any locations?

A. We are an online-store only, you will place your order on our website and your leeches will get delivered shortly thereafter.


Q.Should part of the leech moss be in the water and part of it OUT of the water on a drier crawl surface?

A. You can check out this product here, which is suitable to keep leeches' bedding half-wet half-dry:


Q.what size are the small leeches in inches?

A. We do not measure leeches in inches or centimeters. The reason is because leeches are stretchy and cannot be measured exactly. The best way to picture their size is to look at the product picture.


Q.Thats two jars for 24.99?

A. We are not sure what your question is...? Does it relate to leeches or the price of leech jars? Our product prices are clearly indicated on the site and if you are interested in a particular product, simply buy it and it will be delivered to do you shortly.


Q.In the live bait leeches how many do you get for that price

A. Bait leeches are $6 a piece at the moment per piece and you can buy as many leeches as you like. 


Q.Hi do u guys shipp it in Australia if i buy some?

A. Yes, you can get your leeches delivered in Australia as well. 

Regards, do i get them to feed

A. The buffalo leeches feed similar to the Hirudo leeches, you make a prick to the host's skin and the smell of blood will attract the leech to bite. The hirudinaria Manliensis is a lot harder to trick to bite, than the regular European leeches.
